All and all a GREAT app but... still needs some work. I find the app does not automatically update into iCal even tho I have the settings set up like that, I need to constantly save as the program seems to crash often. When the app is running although it show "no selection" I assumed I could click and add the new assignment but I have to hold command N.
The app should have option that creates a count down till your next assignment is due, and when using the "quick Assignment" there should be a spot to view the calendar for easier date selection.
There should be a calendar below the date on the left hand side so you get some idea of what is coming up.
The app has huge potential and I have recomended it to many other students but the update will be great. Thats why I gave it 3 stars. not perfect yet, but get these bugs fixed and ill give it 5 stars.
iPhone o ner about iHomework, v2.1